Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dear Neil Gaiman,

I am excited to start reading your book, Stardust. I have been waiting to read it for awhile, and now I have decided (with the help of a high school senior who inspired me by reminding me that I always have time to read) to start it. I was going to wait until summer, because often it just seems too much to actually find time to read during the school year. But that is an excuse. If it is a priority, then I need to make time to do it. I am excited about your book because, first of all, the movie was cool (though a little cheesy). I was intrigued by the purely fantastical story and the humor that you managed to weave throughout. So, I think your book is just what the doctor ordered. I need some light humor and darker fantasy in my life. Also, your book was given to me as a gift by someone else who is a terrific reader and who I often find shares the same opinion as me on books. So, that is a high recommendation indeed if she actually bought the book for me. I am excited to excited that I will try to start it tonight...I will let you know what I think of it when I am further through it. In the meantime, Coraline, based on your graphic novel, is out in the theaters. I think my boyfriend and I are going to see it this weekend...I can't wait! Blessings, M. Crabtree


Annie said...

hey ms. crabtree...well i really like the movie coraline its so AWESOME! and well i've heard about this book but i think ill start reading it too...i like how you rhonest bout not starting the book i think thats cool because most people would say that they did and put some crap it was nice reading your blog ms. crabtree!!! :0

meow? said...

well ms i would agree with you but first i need to read it and once i read it ill comment you again

Hao said...

Hello Ms. Crabtree. It's Hao from your 4th period class. I think that it is interesting when you actually saw the movie before reading the book. I always read the book before seeing its movie. In fact, I don't really like seeing movies of my favorite books. I think that after you read a book, seeing its movie would be meaningless and less exiting simply because you already know what is going to happen. And vice versa. So if I choose to see the movie I would not read the book and vice versa.

JULIET said...

Heyhey Mrs. Crabtree! ;D My assignment for the alchemist response to symbols is :

Just to let you know, since I post my assignments all over the place. > <;

Ashumiilee4032 said...

i havent heard is stardust but it sounds interesting. soo stardust is a fantasy type of book. as the fantasy thig goes i kinda read that it has faries and like real fantasy settings. and it is in movie sounds pretty good.